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Duck Hands, Lines and Numbers

Duck Hands®, Lines and Numbers

Duck Hands®, Lines and Numbers! We use our Duck Hands® to segment words into speech sounds from left to right, ready to put those phonemes on paper - as pictures of speech sounds (graphemes)
The Speech Sound Lines help with placement and the Speech Sound Numbers with ordering. This process organises the phoneme to grapheme mapping and supports learners with a range of challenges eg poor phonemic awareness and working memory issues. 

Attend workshops, webinars or online training!
Incorporate these 'Monster Mapping' techniques wherever you are teaching and wire brains for phonemic awareness and orthographic learning.

The children absolutely LOVE learning this way. They CHOOSE it 
Monster Mapping is 'play' for their brains.
Speech Sound Monster Mapping - Building a Brain Word Bank
To store words in the 'Brain Word Bank' (Orthographic Lexicon), learners need to understand the phonemes (speech sounds), graphemes (pictures of the speech sounds, also known as Sound Pics), and their meanings. These elements must be bound together for quick recognition of words (by 'sight') and for retrieval when spelling.

The Monster Spelling Routine offers Ortho-Graphix trained parents and teachers an effective method to concentrate on these three elements, ensuring that the word is securely lodged in their Brain Word Bank, which is vital.
They will use Duck Hands® Speech Sound Lines and Numbers!
Duck Hands, Lines and Numbers
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